
Showing posts from July, 2019

My God

My God Whom art Gracious My God Whom art Kind My God Whom art Beautiful My God Whom art Wonderous My God Whom art Bountiful My God and the thunder Angels dancing in Heaven Graceful art thou Walking talking together To Him do you bow A person from an - other point of view the Highest , the Greatest Some one like You You approach us on our own terms Always a Gracious ћost , above all else Gracious Like a loving Father to His Children You care for us Like orphans with - out a name we wander and wonder , wonder what is to become of us As boredom and the Mal take grasp we reach out for a saving brother A companion in the - re order , wamth , clothes , comfort and a meal . To taste Love . To be Loved . To know Love . And these You provide us already without our asking or even our knowing . For You are Love , LoveD .

In defense of Mr Rolf Harris

A good man .

It will be

Blue skies or the fires of hell Love abounding or spite and venom Just and fair for all or lies and rumour The Word of God or Satans' word Flown as the flag of truth or trampled in the mud Make a choice before you commit it to mind Be careful the Legacy you leave behind Look ahead for what you will find Your choice is by design .

Here is a childish rant for a childish person : You know who you are . Warning ! do not read unless you are that person : The fake friend .

You sat down beside me in your church spoke to me about trouble and life It was what I needed but When you left you put in a bad seed You pretend , you pretend You pretend to be my friend You inveigle your - self in to my life Like a deamon in your sermon you talk about strife You pretend , you pretend You pretend to be my friend I'm in deep water and you're making the waves that cover my head , exposing your' ways chorus *2

Song : Let it shine

Let it shine , let it shine . Let it shine . Fill up your mind With Jesus face With Jesus Grace In all good faith Setting sun , what has become ! of the day away , away . away ? Loving fun ! Come on every one , every one . Every one . Today , today . Today Every - one , any one . Any one .

For completeness sake here is a poem I wrote while alone and depressed : Blue sky lit with gold

Blue sky lit with gold The wind is cold As the wind plays with my hair Alone at a cafe Passersby on their way As the wind plays with my hair Painted faces with - out a trace of a human smile or grace As the wind plays with my hair Shopping or working Rarely talking As the wind plays with my hair Troubled eyes do I see Taking no heed of Hellos As the wind plays with my hair Like clouds which come and go As the wind plays with my hair A sad morning like the previous Alone like the rest As the wind plays with my hair .

Abundant Grace

The Lord is abundant in his Grace , in this house , in every room , in every place . You know this on your face that you have His undying Love . In your Life , Living be like Him , giving your Love , always , in your time , in your ways . For yours is given that you shall have choice in striving for what you shall . All the while He knows every - thing you need shows and He gives you the best of every - word and restless wonder you seek . For He remembers Remembers the softly spoken and meek . He remembers all the words you ever speak . Those that are True will never be defeated . Remind your - self , Love , you are Loved , by some - one like you .

Empty Hearts be filled

by the Love that is Eternal Never to be stilled All rapture in the real By our side always In our stride and sleep Maker of water and waves Master of high and deep In turning there is balance returning to the centre Ever yearning for Grace learning and remember Truth abides always with the righteous thinker Nothing to hide in my smile or wink In Hearts that are filled a loneliness forgone High up on the hill a light that forever shone .

Always given a way

By the road side . By the sea . By the Lord Over - see er . He always has a way . A hidden hand . Moves hidden in the sand A captive to my thoughts , freed by a Graceful Over - see er The Lord Loves . The Lord Loves me , and you all . And I Love Him , my passion , my Life , my All Through and beyond , a Life , a mind in infinity A friend forever , in Heart , in Blood , in time .

God and the liveD

Each worker has a few of their own special tricks That knack , if they chose to teach Playing a game called Life with pieces that Live or die as a consequence Both never cheating the rules in their mind for that would mean death for them in kind Never lie never lie to your self never lie A little death some one may die God and the liveD playing a game of Chest Gentle does it , subtle of the Heart Opposite on the table , the tongue will start ...

Always with You , always with me

Do not be concerned for what you shall eat

- Jesus Christ

A few words on Memory

Good memory is when you recall the right memory at the right time . That is Good . Dangerous memory is when you recall anger at the time of decision for action . I call that " imp " ( Anti - Patico ) , that is a bad memory . If you do not recall some thing that is valuable to you at the right time do not worry - God is on your side , protecting you from some thing which is not obvious . With God on our side , how can we fail ?

The attitude of the Ethertarian Fruit Church

Drinks ( a little alchoholic , not to excess , be careful of wine , mix spirits with a bit of alkaline ) , smokes and a good time ( Men and W0men hugging and kissing ) .

Such a beautiful day

Such a beautiful day , it's all in the way . Such a beautiful sign , I see that I'm on your mind , in a beautiful way . I want to give you good things , and good feelings . Such a beautiful needing , some one that I'm seeing . Tears and not breathing , memories seething , so deep the feeling . Sad ... Such a lonesome lad . That's me as a boy .

Tips for prayers and writing letters

When praying , most people need some one to recieve their prayers ... So think and addict on that person so that your prayers may be answered . Thus our ( the Church s) need for God . God is inherent in our collective psyché . When writing letters address it to whom ever you intend it , if you know . If you do not know then write ; To whom it may concern , it will end up at the feet of the Almighty and rest assured your concerns will be answered . It may happen over night , it may never happen in this life - time but you will be vindicated IDC , BGG . In Due Course , By Gods ' Grace .

Help for those who suffer psycho - somatic diseases and illnesses

Psycho - somatic diseases can manifest in a wide variety of forms . Remember , remember , remember when you had a traumatic experience ? Did some thing in your mind ( internal environment ) , the external environment , or social environment stick in your sub - conscious ? Could exposure to this stimulus trigger panic - like reactions in your body ? Panic can manifest as difficulty breathing , rapid heart rate , increased blood pressure , low blood pressure and fainting ... If you have these symptoms you may be suffering from a psycho - somatic disease . The best course of treatment is self - managed and applied remembering therapy . Do you remember the tiny detail that lies hidden deep in the sub - conscious that is usually your trigger ? Can you break the association of the trigger stimuli with the traumatic event ? You may try abstracting the trigger and gently introducing the trigger stimuli with good things in your vacinity . Make recieving the trigger stimulus a happy enjoyment...


" Treat others as you would treat yourself . " - Jesus Christ Xavier " Have respect for those below and contempt for those who would raise themselves above you - for above and below do not exist with out the other . " - Jesus Christ Xavier " Honour thy mother and thy father . " - Book of Proverbs " Destroy , in your mind , the ones who are entrusted to help you yet only help them selves while ignoring your suffering , stigmatise ( ~judge ) you , doubt your Word , treat you as some sort of lesser being - all beings are equal - everthing is alive , incompetents , and extremely rude " people " who are morally recumbent . " - C. J. X. " Do no harm . " - Hippocrates

Thou - se who seek a new path must light the way for those who dare to follow

Author - Some one inside me .

The Ethertarian Church response to Peaedophilia

Personally speaking as Christ Jesus Xavier - Phuoc Anh Phung - Hitler Kidkill - The Devil , Satan and what ever people point at me and laugh about and call me ; I was born with Love , I am Love and through Love I was united with The Almighty Every - thing . I had sex when I was 0 years old , in the womb with my twin sister. I felt amazed and I felt alive . I felt Love . Now I am 43 years old , I go to sleep in my bed , alone , cold in these winter nights , piss the towels I lay down under my crotch , I wake up alone in the very early morning because I feel pain , sit on the toilet , smoke and feel very so alone , numb from exhausting the pain receptors of loneliness over the long boring lonely years . " Years could go by ... " - Ricki Lee Jones . I am under a Community Treatment Order and depot at a Psych clinic in Footscray . And yet I feel good today , lost my temper in the morning , shouted , got a few weighty long simmering resentments out , went to the café , cracked...

Comedy : Dude , where's my car ?

Another gift from Smokes and Jokes Inc. Joke : The problem with cars ; crazy ass irate fuel miser , new - arrivals and Asian women drivers . 2.) Where in hell do I park my car ? 3.) Dude , where did I park my car ?

A gift from Smokes and Jokes Inc.

Joke : Imagine if you had diarrhea and starvation at the same time , which does happen in certain jurisdictions , mainly in war torn and under - developed countries . Which would you rather do first ? Shit or eat ? And so the carollary is that in First - World countries where we sit in some cafés where they do not let customers use the toilet ...

The Ethertarian Catholic Church view on population

Googleplex numbers of persons . Much joy , much comaraderie , much sex . Infinite Love . Do not be lonely in the middle of the night . Sleep and stay awake with a Lover . O' the Grace of an Almighty God . My Friend .

Saving a Life

Words from the immortal Bob Dylan a. k. a. Robert Allen Zimmerman : Together through Life Says it all .

Good news : Feeling good ; a message of hope

Do not beat your - self up if you eat meat . We live in a very advanced world , it has always been so from the beginning , remember God , for your sake and Gods ' own sake , remember God . How advanced was He at the beginning when He created the world ? How could He have raised dirt from the ethereal waters , the Heavens above and the Heavens below , if He were not an Almighty ? HE has the power to make any meat taste like any meat even when it is Vegan or Fruitarian or Aquatarian  or Aerotarian . Remember meat is not flesh from a living being if you believe in the All - Saving power of the Almighty God . AND REMEMBER : Watch what you think and watch what you say ; eg. if you say pork is the animal Porccino Miracularis then do not eat pork ! IT is your own word that pork comes from an animal . You must not speak with forked tongue . It will make you very ill . Not the pork . But the words . eg. I ate Costco chicken tonight . Not because I am a capon murderer but because I believe...

You are perfect

I know ; it is your self - percieved flaws which I will Love the most . By your self - percieved flaws you are unique , beautiful , Humbled . For there are no flaws in Gods' eyes ; only that which makes you truly yourself , only how He made you for the purpose of Loving some one who truly Loves only you . The perfect lock for the unique key that is me . For the girl in the tobacconists this morning .

Chick pea and green pea munchies

When one feels like a quick savoury , this recipe will help . Ingredients : Besan flour ( chick pea flour )                        Wheat flour                        green peas                        salt                        Water                        oil for deep frying Method : Mix the dry ingredients and fresh peas with water in a large bowl . Fry dollops of the wet mix in hot oil and serve warm . The result should be crunchy ...