
Showing posts from August, 2020

Corona Virus is not over !

 The Corona Virus is still out there . Beware . It is a psychic spirit which travels and transmits through the vision . It causes a bad experience in the mind which might have physiological sequelae . It could be severe . Use sunglasses , and do not look into infected peoples eyes .

Some people ...

 you cannot tell how much are sufferring by looking at them . Englishmen keep a stiff upper lip though they might be at the end of their tether The English are reserved in manner and appearance .

Fear not ...

 for there is no bad there is no death All that is born , is born to Life eternal Life and Life for ever Fear instead your' own dread your distaste the demons in your' head Fear Life in exile from the Kingdom Fear lies from your' own mouth Fear the darkness of your' own shade For a woman was Adams' downfall and the correction is Now Sully forth in Joy , that the rebuilding has come Fear nothing but your' own Heart.

Together on the path ...

 we walk not proud but carefully , humbly ready to steady each other  if one stumbles Together on the path we walk in pace with each other , neither fast or stalled We talk with those called and whom come , responding Together through Life we walk with purpose a sense and sensibility common for one and all For we are more than  we would be alone  in the cold and sadness the darkness of solitude For we are together souls atuned  to speak and respond to puzzle and ponder to seek and wonder What may be ahead no matter of fuss for we are of good stead together greater all of us .

For those ...

 for whom the numbers do not add up for those whom see a greater goal than to balance a book for those whom have higher aspirations than to sell for those whom can not be bought Spare a thought for those whom can not pay AU $5.00 for a cup of bean extract for whom the cash register tolls All have fallen . Save our souls and save the idle whom moneyed has left behind  .

Be a Friend ...

 to all whom come upon your ' shores For no man is an island And by himself , he is never sure Nor saved , but by Grace the beauty of a Strangers' face Like air to the nose breathe as never before To know another To not suffer loneliness To not be in ones' own mess And to have a Friend as you are to them .

The vaccine : A view from personal experience . Revised part 1.

 When I was a young child of about 6 and a half , I got a vaccine shot . Then nothing happened for about a week . Then I got respiratory symptoms . Then my mum , not my mother , got me some over the counter Benedryl cough reliever . I took the Benedryl and the day after I got all these itchy lumps all over my body . The Benedryl has been removed from sale in Australia , however the ingrdients of it are still sometimes used . For example the stimulants and expectorants are still some times prescribed . This happened again in my experience to my friend George when he got the chicken pox vaccine . He also took Benedryl . So if you take the vaccine you will not be able to ever take stimulants again . Stimulants may include : Coffee , tobacco , chocolate , cola , black tea , sugar ...

The vaccine : Warnings and contra-indications

 Those on theobromine should not take the vaccine .

For girls only : Expressions of Love and anger

 Any one who thinks that what goes on , in Hollywood Porn , is Love is mistaken . Any one who thinks that spraying body fluids on to your face , where it shouldn't go , is an expression of Love is wrong . These are acts of anger against women and society . These are pathetic , lonely men who cannot relate to people properly . Get out of your house and be social with real people . Say " hell0 , good morning , how are you ? " Do not let the szai called " Social Arrangers " dictate your Life . Go out and do it your self . Do not lay down and be lazy . It is Gods' will that you should not be lonely . Find the right one for you . Those who think that having sex with a lot of partners is the road to happiness are mistaken . Be social , gracious , Loving , but don't be a slut . Find True Love .

Beware of the vaccine

 As I am a bio-medical researcher at SaltWater Clinic , I am privy to more information than the average public . So as a service to the world ; I am warning of the dangers of this new Corona Virus Vaccine and all vaccines in general : Do NOT mess around with your body . : The consequences are many and varied and mostly detrimental . : There are other ways of treating illness and disease . : The body heals itself provided you do not interfere with it . .

Moving address

 Dear readers ,                        how are you ? As of next month ( September ) this blog will be moving to the new address of . Thank you for your loyalty and patronage . Take care . Cheers . May God shine His light on your favour .

A cup of coffee and Love

based on the Bob Dylan song ; " One more cup of coffee " , Bob Dylan , ce 1969 , various venues . A Love beyond rhema but in kind A journey not in distance but in mind Together through Life Two flying a kyte A Word in echo and reflection a shared unique inflection A slave to each other taking turns to be server Alway   alway   ,   always in service of the Lord Likey Likey lik Living Living Livs .