
Showing posts from April, 2019

I had an infection

I had an infection and SSI (Super Saturated Iodine) didn't clear it . Then yesterday I ate some Hot and Spicy Kentucky and the pus came back and some roast chook later on and today the infection has gone down .

The Light

Can you see Can you see the Light that only He shines the Beautiful and Divine Can you hear Can you hear the trumpets calling a tune The bells of Heaven play for you Rainbows some times come and go Rainbows never fade Promises of tomorrow Rainbows for me and you Time made of yester - years glory for a glimpse of tomorrows' story Do not fret do not worry The time is over to be sorry Live and let Live Live Life as the greatest story Save Save so you may , Have Have Heavens' glory For yours' is all He has What's mine is yours' Freedom to be reunited with Thee Three in One Father Daughter Son Brother Son Sister Moon The day is won The night comes soon Forever ...


Catch a high getting buy A gift of daily bread Living with loneliness is a terrible dread Loving with you needing true trust in heart and head From the first we all thirst for what we had A True Father and our Mother to hold and to have Our Sisters too So much to do to groom and shave Just relax and sit back and Pray A moment too long when in the wrong So much the shame Little gifts as we uplift by the Saviours' Name .

I ate KFC yesterday

I ate a drum stick .

I ate fish today .

I ate fish for lunch today .

I ate KFC yesteray

I ate KFC for lunch . I ate a wing and two drum - sticks . I got groin chaffing right after . Then last night in the morning I got cramps in the left calf . Could be related . I also had small chips and a can of Pepsi . In conclusion : I was hungry and it was there . I should have been a stronger Vegan . I have faith that this experience , which God taught me , will make me more conscientious . And the after - math of why God allowed me to eat the KFC : I met a girl this morning who looked like she needed help . So I spoke to her and she was willing to listen . I used my experience of KFC and malady sequelae to explain that flesh eating causes disease . God works in mysterious ways .

The time for cultural change has come

When it happens , it happens rapidly . The time to change from exploiting animals and plants and Mother Earth for a living has come . For those who believe in the Providence of The Supreme Father , they shall inherit the kingdom . All that is required of them is Faith . A small , miniscule step , a movement imperceptable to most , yet powerful enough to move mountains . Belief that what ever you touch , see , hear , taste has been orchestrated by God for your use . eg. You may be walking along and see on the path a seed or a rock or a loaf of hot cross bun . That is there for a reason . Figure the potential of that which comes across your path and you will see God in action . eg . Why has this beggar come to me ? Why do I find scraps of edibles here ? And remember the true tastes you imagined as a child . They can be made whole by the angels who serve us. Remember hold on to what you knew as a child for when you were , and return to being , a child you knew something good .

Thank you to all who stood up for the little ones

Well done . I Love it when caring people stand up for the ones who have no voice in our Society .

Call to Vegans

The main focus of this Church is , and the trick is ; to be a lapsed Roman Catholic and a practicing Vegan .

Reason to hate money #11

Money is a ranking / retardation process where by we are rationed , impeded and controlled . This might seem all dome and gloom however when given unlimited power - irrational people go crazy . So this is a two sided coin . And further more + however rational people should not be limited by the Queen . She should merely, if at all , prompt us with a quite word and tea and biscuits .

My mother and my mum

My  mother is a very smart woman . My mum is not evil . She just presents an alternate view to mine and helps me balance my ying and yang . Remember the lesson from the Book of Revelation : Jesus comes back and is angry because humanity did not abide by His words . My mum is helping me balance good and bad so that I do not get into anxiety about enabling evil doers in their self - destruction .

Thoughts about Eve

If IF Eve sinned by eating an apple , how much have we sinned against our fellow man and woman , against God and our children , by giving them dead things to eat ?

Update on my health 5 - April - 2019

As some of you would know ; I have been Vegan a very long time , even though I may have been seen eating other things, they were not flesh but angel made food . Yes angel made food is what we need . As of this moment , I have just had a shit and it feels good . I shat some poison out and some bad temper as well . I do not eat carrot . Bad feelings is the poison of the mind . " So do not fear those who can destroy the body but instead fear them who can destroy the mind as well as the body . " My body is recovering and is not fully fit . My mind is clear and better than before . My soul is wounded and I am hoping that God will repair it . My resolve is clear and optimistic . Remember : We can live on consuming just angel - given water and air . Freedom for the animals . For the animals . Amen .

Gods' plan for the moon

I do not hide anything I know or think . So here it is : For the education of the world , for better or worse , so it may be discussed in timely and franc manner , the plan for the moon : The moon is shifting three centimetres away from the earth every year or so . It will move some where in the vicinity of the sun or equivalent . The moon will " ignite " and shine for the forseeable future in eons to come . The moon may take on a counter path to the sun so there will be endless day light . " As above so below " , there is no night in Heaven . "The Heavens shall descend upon the earth " . Amen. p. s. " There are no errors in Gods ' plan ." " There must be a reasonable explaination for it ."