
Showing posts from May, 2019

Use a soft bristled taperred bristle brush

These days I use a taperred bristle soft brush , to brush my teeth and gums . I try not to indulge in porn . These things help .

Prayers for Luke

Luke is sufferring at the hands of others . May we offer prayers to the Lord for Luke s' safety and sanity .

Vegan noodles : Part two ; Wei Lih instant noodles with Beef flavour

Do not worry about the term " Beef flavour " . The noodles are actually flavoured with bean paste . The way I prepare these noodles is : I open the packet and flavour a bowl with all of the paste sachet and all of the powder sachet . I add to the bowl spring onion , coriander leaves , Thai basil leaves and vegetable oil . I boil water and cook Siu Choy and add the dry noodle cake to the same pot . I cook the noodles until they are just soft then put the whole lot in to the bowl . Stir and eat . Wei Lih instant noodles is a product of Taiwan .

Vegan noodles : Part one ; Wei Lih instant noodles with Onion flavour

The way I prepare these delicious noodles is ; I open the packet and season the bowl with all of the oil condiment and half the dry powder condiment , I add a dash of sesame oil , two desert spoons of peanut oil , three desert spoons of vegetable oil , spring onion , coriander and a fork full of preserved cabbage . You may choose the preserved cabbage you like or try Chinese preserved vegetable or try Sauerkraut . I boil water and add the dry noodle cake . I cook the underside half of the noodle and leave the upper side half crunchy . I put the noodles and some of the water in the bowl and stir a little bit and eat . Wei Lih is made in Taiwan . 

Tips for eternal youth

HGH . Exercise causes HGH to develop in the normal human clay . We all produce HGH in regulated amounts with in the various human clay . Avoid eating flesh which contains GH so that you may produce your own GH . Avoid exercising too much so that you do not develop abnormally . Avoid chemicals which may cause abcission or decline . To freshen your breath just use a scented oil or breath mint or lozenge . Remember ; HGH smells like old socks so do not be afraid .

Tips to avoid the colds and flues this winter

Keep warm . Drink plenty of liquids . Avoid yeast alcohol . I drink one cup of coffee a day . Clean your heaters before using them . Open your windows and air out your bedroom once or twice a day . Do not breathe in too hot or too cold an air . Remember to breathe . If you have congestion in the nose ; snort it in rather than blowing out . Think before you cough or sneeze .

A tip about cleaning your mouth

I do not need to brush or damage my teeth with brushing . Once you commit to Veganism you can simply wash the contamination from your mouth with some toothpaste or home made mouth cleanser and with a swishing of saliva . Swish around for awhile then spit it out . If you do not have enough saliva then drinking more warm drinks during the winter will help .


... this Heart Follow this feeling Opens the flower Undressing , revealing Tender young fruit unripe in its' youth Slowly bathing in the sun and moon shade In the wind and rain in turmoil and in sane Love yields its' seed to the flowers' need In need and Lust In one whom one Trusts You're the one whom I adore In your' childhood for - ever more In your' prime In spring - time Open unto me and I will plant the seed Yield to the urge The sun will surge Nurture the divine in Us The union of must And in time , give So some new one may Live And in time , part Make a new start And in time , feed give in to your' need In gentle song and for a little longer Sing the mind in to rapture Laughter matches Her A child sings along To mother He belongs Belonging for - ever That no man loses Her That which was his flesh That interwoven bloody mesh That taste of sweet which made his teeth In time to grow in innocence to know ...

I am Vegan , ever more .

I ate bacon and eggs yesterday morning

It was not that good .

Save the Eastern Curlew

Like and Love and Loafing (sic.)

I like sweet because I Love a bitter thing (smoaving , sic.) I like Love because I have faith . in another (person , in the other , in the difference ) I like myself because I have found my true Love an image of me with a slight but very vital difference The Difference is Why ( Album : Mama Said , Lenny Kravitz ) opsit the image of God in a girl A vision of beauty supreme Love at first glance and a faithful Mother keeping to the Word ...

Reason to Hate money #19

Money makes beggars and hoares of us all .

Reason to hate money #18 : it will leave you out in the cold

Winter time is coming to Melbourne . So save up your " precious " dollars and buy a heater . But , O' nah , don't use it 'cause the electricity is too costly .

Mother Mary

Comes to me Glimmering Shimmering Listing Naming my Soul All Her thoughts I will come to know A lightning flash of Pure white Light Exciting Loves' Labour in to Life Slowly gently tenderly singing a wisdom , surely building Rhymes Humour and Blood enter Feeling shifting Patiently , like the sea forever lapping waves to be sure licking tasting seeing a New Life ever more ...

The Edge

I'm on the edge of darkness believing there's good things to come believing that the battle and war has already been won And revieled has it been that the victory has always been so The victory over the void the dirt and toil As a worm spirals out of the soil when the rain comes when the wet water weather works true Life has begun And by the fruits of first labour we may know pervading our senses the  birth of Joy for tomorrow ...

Bless the Lord #2

Bless the Lord All my Soul Bless the Lord All my Soul Forever to keep For - ever to hold Bless the Lord O' my Soul Bless the Lord O' my Soul Let All within me Bless the Lord Birds sing in the trees To bless Him and remind me to ... Chorus Take her by the hand to awake your Soul and sand and ... Chorus Give sun to shore You shall have her ever - more remember to ... Chorus

Reason to Hate money #17 : A brown comedy

The cake shop that wants you to eat shit . Cake for sale . $ 30 . Where do I get thirty dollars ? For flour , milk , eggs and sugar . " Do you want me to eat cake ? or shit ? If you want me to eat cake then give me cake . I do'not have thirty dollars . If you want me to eat shit then I can turn around , bend down and pick it up any time I feel hungry and get it for free . I can go in to the toilet and find shit any time . " Corollary - I flush free food down the toilet every day .

I Believe O' Lord

And He said " Believe in me for I am all you need I give you all For I am God I have planted a seed in the Garden I created for you Love me with a jealous creed for I am a jealous God Blessing those who obey me for thirty generations Making a Nation from the Righteous whom heed my Word " .

The Perfect

The Perfect Soul One One knows He sees in Every - One whom comes and goes And comes again The Perfect Friend Only One knows How to Love Every - One And not Judge Till the Throne And One knows How to judge Him - Self How to See How one can be And was How do we Love With Perfect Heart With Perfect Souls Another broken How One was ...

The Beautiful Rain

The beautiful rain that falls to save us all The Living water Mother Mary , Mary daughter The sound of Life coming to Earth - Wife The Son whom comes In Light and in rain The Son has come again .