The time for cultural change has come

When it happens , it happens rapidly . The time to change from exploiting animals and plants and Mother Earth for a living has come .
For those who believe in the Providence of The Supreme Father , they shall inherit the kingdom . All that is required of them is Faith . A small , miniscule step , a movement imperceptable to most , yet powerful enough to move mountains . Belief that what ever you touch , see , hear , taste has been orchestrated by God for your use . eg. You may be walking along and see on the path a seed or a rock or a loaf of hot cross bun . That is there for a reason . Figure the potential of that which comes across your path and you will see God in action . eg . Why has this beggar come to me ? Why do I find scraps of edibles here ? And remember the true tastes you imagined as a child . They can be made whole by the angels who serve us. Remember hold on to what you knew as a child for when you were , and return to being , a child you knew something good .


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