
Showing posts from March, 2018

Sermon: Save a Life

To save a Life; the Life of a Gnat; is saving a Life of a person. For he/she is true to the word of God and His son A short Life he lives, true to the word of God A short prayer is as good as a long one as long as it is sincere as long as it is true to You True is your word So true that it is reality The word made flesh The clay made in to Living Soul In the void of the beginning there was You With nothing there must be something Some thing in the way of You A smile a kiss a thought to reminisce Some thing or some one to have to hold To be with .

At the feet of an angel.

Keep the desire alive for we seek the Life The flame that was good still burns as the world turns I have sought beauty and found it at the feet on an angel who cast her spell Weaving the word in to the fabric of the world to become reality real as tiamonds that I breathe .

Personal note.

Those in the know will already know. I have progressed to Fruitarianism. Although I still take tobacco. Tobacco is different to herb because the plant dies before it is harvested. It dies and dries out and is then processed.

The Holy See

See with your eyes not your ears Words will make you wise Words will make you fear For God made all things Holy God gives you every thing soley In Him I trust completely There is no rust for the faithful His word is true Make your life a Life of giving Love and devotion to the Family Church and the drops in the ocean There are many fishes and birds whom swim and fly Give to all these good wishes that they also are good In numbers they swim and fly in sea and sky You are truely a prime in your reason and rhyme .

A poem : The gift.

The gift of Life, given from the heart Freely given with freedom from the start And Life ever lasting lacking no thing No good thing ever made to go begging For through Love all things were made Through Love given by choice and cradle From the beginning The Love created To all things Love gives Life enabled All things Living, breathing the breathe of God, believing Able to feel and think receiving the Word. Sensing, Loving, conceiving .

Recipe : Curry parcels

This recipe is good to use up left-over Vegan curry. Ingredients: Potatoes Tomato Celery Carrot Kale Curry powder : Cumin, Nutmeg, Chilli, Tumeric, Pepper, Ginger, Onion, Star Anise. Water Coconut cream Thickener: Tapioca starch Salt Make a curry with these ingredients and then leave over night in the fridge to cool. Use Filo pastry to wrap the curry mixture. Remember to brush the Filo with oil and them brush the top with oil and put on an oiled tray. Bake at 170 C for about 20 minutes.If the mixture spills out during baking then use two sheets of Filo per parcel next time you wrap. Enjoy.

Imagine riding horses...

Imagine riding horses through the forest. You and your lover. Holding hands. You come across a river and decide the horses can take you across.You start to cross. The water becomes rough. You must let go hands. You part hands so you will not become unbalanced and pulled in to the water.You ride across the next part of the river, separately."Ride across the river, deep and wide. Ride across the river, to the other side."You both reach the other shore. And ride on hand in hand.Through the forest. Your lover is God. Your horse is God. The river is chaos, from the beginning of the universe.The forest is Life.

Coffee and nicotine.

A special package made of coffee and nicotine wrapped in the pages torn from a magazine Hazy lazy days waking and in dreams Too many late nights and silence in between How I love those packets of coffee and nicotine Foil and hemp paper and sweat and beans Money, power, lust far from what they seem Illusions you could not live without for reality is beyond your means Happy in days of middle class struggle A smile, a style, a wink and a nod A hello, a g'day, a wank and a hug All part of life when you walk with God Hell0 sister, hell0 brother, hell0 fellow traveler My life would be better for having her Simple things getting better every day Awake and breathe the force of a better way Do not worry what you shall eat or wear Do not wait, do not worry, do not stare Wait on the Lord for he gives in plenty Wait on the Lord and go where ewe' went He For He gives you all good things Every facet of your imaginings Good for the good and to the poor plenty Wait on the Lord and go where ew...

Confession: I lapsed, twice.

Confession: I ate chicken and fish and chicken again. I am a sinner. Confession two: I watched porn. I am a sinner. Lord who art in Heaven, look upon your little one with mercy and grant by your majestic grace the forgiveness of sins. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Profit: Reason to hate money #6

Profit is theft. Let me take you by degrees through the profit motive and why it is theft. Jesus said: "What you have received for free you shall give freely." Let us say you are a tradesman. You buy your tools, so you have to charge someone to pay for them. That is fair enough. However since you use your tools for a long time you should not charge your first three customers for the total cost of the tools which you could keep using for a lifetime. You use materials to put into a house, so you have to charge the customer the materials you put in. That is fair enough. Where it gets murky is the cost of Labour.What do you charge? Do you charge enough to pay for your meals and travel? Lets say you have a mortgage. Do you include enough profit to pay for that? Lets say you need a mobile phone to carry on your business. Lets say you need an air-conditioner in your home. Lets say you need a computer. Lets say you need a Hi-Fi system. Lets say you need to renovate your garden, ...

Gentle with me.

Gentle is the breeze in the Garden that tells the the bees which way to go Gentle with your needs those that are hardened in your soul you unleash by which you are destroyed Gently treading through the green green grass walking with you where ever you please woman girl man boy Gently speaking in your ears when you wandered away from the easy narrow path high and low Gentle touches with flies and bees in the ardent lambent fate you chose to lead chasing a dying glow Gentle hands on the till guiding the golden boat on the sea back to where you know .

Tip for repairing receeding gums:

I am using honey, gently brushed on my gums, as rejuvenant to repair my gums. Either Manuka or Jarra active honey.

Reason to hate money #5

Money is the death of the individual, subsumed in to the Zeitgeist of the world economy. In money, the person no longer matters, as long there is another to replace him/her. We become numbers on a bank note. Treated according the amount ascribed on a piece of polymer. Our will is curtailed by the man with the gold, to his bidding. We are allowed the portion of our power that we are willing to offload to the merchant. In money, we no longer work to please God, but to grease the wheels of the machine. That is why I hate money.

The best surgeons in the world

The best surgeons in the world are; your friends and mine; the humble mosquitoes.Yes. They work for nothing and leave no scars. One hundred percent success rate and no pain. They take out the bad blood and soul we have in our souls, from eating the wrong things, and leave us with our perfected souls, the way they should be, free from wrong. So next time you are out in the twilight, do not swat and spray them. They are your friends, sent by God, to help you. Amen.

There is a reason for sin and there is a salvation

Let me begin with a reading from the book of Tobit ch. 13 v. 5: He will afflict you for your iniquities, but he will again show mercy on all of you. This chapter of the Old Testament speaks about our morals. We are bound to fail because we have inherited a flaw from the Original Sin. We are born into iniquity. However God has designed that flaw in us in His original plan. We are flawed when we look only at ourselves but when we look wider we are but part of a perfect plan. His perfect plan involves the Fall, toil, forgiveness, redemption and salvation, even exaltation. So do not be too down on yourself when you fail. It will pass. It is part of His plan to save you. Strive to be perfect, in imitation of Him, as a devotion. Good things happen to good people. But know that all are part of His plan; the good and the wicked, the poor and the rich, the high and low, the greatest and the smallest. So treat every one as you would be treated. So says Jesus. Amen.

It is a sin

It is a sin to sell what was given to you for free. The air, the sun, the water and the land. Your life. These gifts from God. You may sell your labour and toil if you are so inclined. If you make your self a slave to money.

All these Scientists

All the Scientists in the world trying to figure the rules and ways of the Universe should first look at the beginning of everything. For it is written: "In the beginning..." The Bible is the most accurate Scientific work ever to come in to mans' possession. It is the Word come into the world.All the answers are there. There are no rules to the governing of the Universe except Gods' Word. Gods' Word is Jesus. The personification of Love. Book of John ch.1 : "Through Him all things were created. Not a thing has come in to existence except through Him." By the Word of God all things were created and all come under His provision. Amen.

Eating Fish is optional

If you do not like killing fish then it is better to abstain from eating them. I have come to abstain.

Confession: I lapsed

I humbly confess: I was weak and ate meat. On Friday last week I ate roast capon. On Saturday I was Vegan. On Sunday I ate a beef pie and MacDonalds' chicken nuggets. I was tempted and gave in. I have sinned and plead God for forgiveness. Amen.