Profit: Reason to hate money #6
Profit is theft.
Let me take you by degrees through the profit motive and why it is theft.
Jesus said: "What you have received for free you shall give freely."
Let us say you are a tradesman. You buy your tools, so you have to charge someone to pay for them. That is fair enough. However since you use your tools for a long time you should not charge your first three customers for the total cost of the tools which you could keep using for a lifetime.
You use materials to put into a house, so you have to charge the customer the materials you put in. That is fair enough. Where it gets murky is the cost of Labour.What do you charge? Do you charge enough to pay for your meals and travel? Lets say you have a mortgage. Do you include enough profit to pay for that? Lets say you need a mobile phone to carry on your business. Lets say you need an air-conditioner in your home. Lets say you need a computer. Lets say you need a Hi-Fi system. Lets say you need to renovate your garden, put in some trees. Lets say you "need" this and you "need" that? Do you charge profit to pay for what you "need" to put in a fence on your customers' house?
Jesus said: "Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth."
Let me take you by degrees through the profit motive and why it is theft.
Jesus said: "What you have received for free you shall give freely."
Let us say you are a tradesman. You buy your tools, so you have to charge someone to pay for them. That is fair enough. However since you use your tools for a long time you should not charge your first three customers for the total cost of the tools which you could keep using for a lifetime.
You use materials to put into a house, so you have to charge the customer the materials you put in. That is fair enough. Where it gets murky is the cost of Labour.What do you charge? Do you charge enough to pay for your meals and travel? Lets say you have a mortgage. Do you include enough profit to pay for that? Lets say you need a mobile phone to carry on your business. Lets say you need an air-conditioner in your home. Lets say you need a computer. Lets say you need a Hi-Fi system. Lets say you need to renovate your garden, put in some trees. Lets say you "need" this and you "need" that? Do you charge profit to pay for what you "need" to put in a fence on your customers' house?
Jesus said: "Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth."
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