What the Truth of Corona reveals about our society
Yes . Oh Lord , you are the wisest One .
A year ago we were up in arms and assaulting Muslim Australians for wearing face covering hijabs , burkas , now we are assaulting reasonable ordinary Australians for not wearing a face mask .
The Truth about " doctors " , " medication " , and the History of medical treatment in the Western World :
Look to the 1960 s , the introduction of the contraceptive " pill ". What did that do ? It changed the sexual morals of men and women . Women were more free to pursue other sexual partners . Coincidentally that is around the turn of increase in divorce in our societies . Today the divorce rate is around 50 % . The vowel adult people made to God and witnesses that they would honour , Love , and keep their partner ? Gone , in half of these marriages . The rise of sexually transmitted diseases . The broken homes and fatherless children . The rise in homelessness , drug abuse and crime . And the physiological legacy ? Women who have taken the pill end up in older age with arthritis , osteoporosis , body hair where you don't want it and baldness where you want hair , on your head , cellulite , greater incidence of broken feet and hips .
1960s : The abortion act , which 99 % of doctors support . Well , they are killing fetuses , unborn babies , in side their mothers ' wombs .
Today with the modern Feminazi movement there is concern for the psychological well being of young boys and girls . Boys are being neuterred and deranged by pornography . Rape culture is being promulgated . Abuse of women by men is increasing , in the home and in the bed room . Women are expected to perform extreme acts of oral masterbation and head work . Younger girls are expected to look a certain way . Women are expected to consume or take gloop , pus , on their bodies .
1960 s : Thalidomide ; the hundreds of thousands of babies born with out normal arms or legs .
1950 s : Novel Pesticides ; the obliteration of natural species of animals from the world .
2020 : Flupenthixol , Zuclopenthixol , Flurazepam . These are the real cause of respiratory distress associated with Corana . The starting consumption of these drugs does not cause any real disease ; it is when you withdraw these drugs that the disease develops .
My rage is kindled against Monkey Doctors who take from the public $ 100, 000 AU , each , each year , for giving people a fake " pill " claimed to be some sort of remedy to their disease . They are giving you a poison against nothing but a fake enemy in your body , causing untold numbers of people to live with morbidity , over - dose , discomfort and untimely death . All to garner for themselves the lucre of sin . I curse them with all my strength that they die NOW , a very painful and embarassing death and good riddence .
A shot across the bows : Big Pharma will be the next to topple and fall , and fall hard .
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