Tips for easy breathing and relief of inflamation due to Carona respiratory distress and ... Annaliese van Dieman

Two Panadol or one and a half 250 mg aspirin will help with alleviating breathing difficulties due to inflamation from infection or allergy .
If you have a history of alcohol abuse or Ryes Syndrome in your family then do not take aspirin . Take Panadol , it is safer .

Do not take Panadiene or Codine unless advised by your physician .

Black coffee also helps to clear the airways . And stimulates breathing and other autonomic bodily functions .

 Stay away from milk and meat and flesh during your flu , you will recover quicker .

Keep up the fluids . This also helps with the cadio - pulmonary function .However , do not over drink .

In defence of Annaliese van Dieman 's remark : The comparison she made of Carona virus disease being spread in Australia with the English Colonial introduction of disease in to Australia is a scientific statement .


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