
Showing posts from December, 2019

For those who Love only this world

Woe to those who see and avoire only this world . The illusory and temporary abiding place of the present . Woe to those who do not seek a higher moral , a higher plane . For this world lies beneath the Heavens where there is true Living . Do not gather for your selves treasures and riches of this world . In stead seek the safety and comfort of your fellow travellers and vouch for them at the gate .

Security guards

Security guards are meant to be guardians of the peace and prosperity of their address and the public safety .

Your Friend in All

Your Friend in All Life Living evermore A Friend whom tells All Truth , all you ever need wanted to know A friend whom stands beside before you ready to lay down on the Cross to save you A Friend whom carries you to His ' Fathers ' Home Your Home in the High A Friend Always Never to die ...

There is much to be done

The Vegan Catholic Catechism of the sexes

We believe in the equality and differences between men and women , boys and girls . We believe children are made of one flesh , that of the mother , with the choice given by the Father , God , to be either male or female . That choice can be made in the womb or later in Life .

Catechism of the Vegan Catholic Church and Ethertarian Catholic Church

We believe in the indelible Soul . We believe no substance in the Universe or any where else can harm the Soul . We believe there is no substance or matter that feeds or harms us . The only nourishment of the Soul is Love and Goodness and God .  

My tirade against money

It is scum It is shit It is to the detriment of it's owner It is an insult to all who use it It is abhorent It is rude It is pure evil It will be the ruin of Western society ...

A moment

A moment in space the Now in me and you The smile on your face fills me , makes me new The Light in your eyes like the Sun in the sky How beautiful you are In near or of far A Light that lasts forever Shines in the Soul Destined to be together Two halves made whole .

A beautiful child

A beautiful child sustained in Him is Joy innocence righteousness holiness For the birth of the boy child child of God a vision to behold A salvation has come to man to the people of God In Him is our only hope of Life The only light in the nighttime of our souls He is strong , a natural protector while our wills are weak and our flesh weaker still There is no protection against our selves as the world lures us to pernition WE are the Satans and DeviLs of this world WE make our own Hell and Purgatories for each other Traps we fall in to our selves There is only He , our true friend in work , word and deed Tireless in protecting and saving us If only we hear to His voice calling out our mistakes , whimsies and fancies Only a true Loving friend can save us and only the true Loving ones hear Him see Him some times know Him to be beside us always Always near to us .

China s ' war using pornography

I have studied internet ( internest ) pornography using some free sites on the IN ( InterNet ) . When you see tattoos on an pornographic actor sometimes it means that they are part of a hierarchy and are working for some group . When the tattoo looks like a logo it means they are indentured to some one or group . When you see the same logo on different actors then it usually means they are part of a group . When you see informatics characters on an actor it sometimes means they are working for the Chinese .

Walking the bridge to God

On the bridge that " at midnight trembles " The hour before dark I think I have enough time Yet the narrow path is difficult when travelled alone As the Son sets and shines His Golden Godlent Light a weariness drains me The burdens of sin weigh ever harder more painfully deep burrying in to my soul Pull them out I cry Only a sinless surgeon can do it without killing me I am bowed down At His feet Only He can lift me Set me free .

r & d

1.) r & d there is an r in the d 2.) r and d rand d rand dom random


The word " meat " is used in the Book of Genesis ( 1 : 19 ) King James Version . It is translated in to modern English as " food " . Meat is food Flesh is not food , it will make you sick . Meat is not flesh ( flesj )

Herbs and spices

Herbs are food They are a special kind of food They are medicinal food When you are some what ill you get the taste hankering for herbs Lettuce is a herb It has powerful diuretic and laxative effects Do not force yourself to eat herbs if you do not have the tongue for them Do not eat broccoli buy the basket full if you do not feel like it It will not make you sick physically however you may feel bad and therefor it is not sustainable Spices are made from seed Seeds are part of fruit Fruit is food Seeds are food I have an on going taste for fruit and seed .

The spirit exposed to the Flame

There are many spirits . and when set free from the clay they have a vapourous existence . They hide in to the shadows and the night for they are afraid of evaporation by the light The heat and flame THE Flame of the light of God s ' face For no man can face that Light thier souls with that festering mould burns and catches alight Careful that no bad spirit enters in to your clay or away with you they may take away in to the dark nether reaches where no one harkens to wake But a goodly spirit may save protect and fend away the others so that it may shield and educate Let goodly in , especially the dead and young For only the good die young and enter the Kingdom come .

The Church s' response to the Cannabis debate

Medicines or when used " incorrectly " ; called " drugs " ; are not a one size fits all affair . The human response to any stimulus is dependent on 1.) Mood , 2.) Setting and 3.) Substance , ( based on Leary , Phung ) . Marijuana ( Mary , do you wanna ) or Cannabis ( can a buisiness ) generally has an euphoric and well being effect . It is similar to smoking tobacco but stronger . However the idiots have developed a - nother variant which I call narijuana ( nary do you wanna ) . It has a dangerous mental illness effect which potentiates suicidal tendencies . AVOID bad cannabis . You will get ill from it , if you take it ! Remember n for no . N is also the devils ' letter because it is related to 5 the devils ' number . n looks like a five turned side ways . And it looks like part of Satan s ' mark ( the mark of the Beast ) .