The Fire burns strong in me ; the Vegan Catholic Church position on Mandatory Reporting of Child sex abuse

I would rather go have a holiday in Jail than break the sacred code of the Confessional .
Rea : The confession of sins helps
It helps all who are brave , honourable enough to admit their behaviour and are ready to turn from away from evil
They are taking vital steps to reconciliation
We do not put conditions on recovery and helping goodness become
Remember : God said " I do require sacrifice , I desire Mercy ( Love ) ". Hosea 6:6 KJV

Q : Is it not hypocritical for a State which legalizes killing of the unborn zygote , embryo or fetus to legislate about the Catholic ways of raising children . Children which we Love , Cherish and nurture from Conception to the grave and beyond ?

Q : Is it not a sin to kill ? To kill the elderly , frail , sick , needy , dis - abled , those in pain , the smallest and most vulnerable of us all ?
Remember , Jesus said ; " What so ever you do to these little Ones , my brothers , you DO UNTO ME . " , emphasis added .

Is the State response to " Child Sexual Abuse " to remove the parent from the child ? How does the child feel about " being responsible " for putting their parent in to custody / social ostracism ? Is it not better to resolve the issue with councilling away from public eyes and whispers ?
Remember : Rumours are like taking a feather pillow , opening the cover and shaking the contents out in to the wind . The feathers fly which ever way . And then when gossip turns out to be wrong or has bad consequences you must gather all those feathers and put them back in to the bag . Is this for a human being possible ?


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