
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Fire burns strong in me ; the Vegan Catholic Church position on Mandatory Reporting of Child sex abuse

I would rather go have a holiday in Jail than break the sacred code of the Confessional . Rea : The confession of sins helps It helps all who are brave , honourable enough to admit their behaviour and are ready to turn from away from evil They are taking vital steps to reconciliation We do not put conditions on recovery and helping goodness become Remember : God said " I do require sacrifice , I desire Mercy ( Love ) ". Hosea 6:6 KJV Q : Is it not hypocritical for a State which legalizes killing of the unborn zygote , embryo or fetus to legislate about the Catholic ways of raising children . Children which we Love , Cherish and nurture from Conception to the grave and beyond ? Q : Is it not a sin to kill ? To kill the elderly , frail , sick , needy , dis - abled , those in pain , the smallest and most vulnerable of us all ? Remember , Jesus said ; " What so ever you do to these little Ones , my brothers , you DO UNTO ME . " , emphasis added . Is the St...

There is beauty

There is beauty in every race , family , person ; in the Heart Every word a reason to rejoice Every motion a time of poetry in action In the world a beauty unsurpassed , a composition and design unique at every point and yet in agreement and harmony A symphony unfinished to the ear of the perciever yet known complete in God ...

Be careful of Vitamins in the Seasons ' heat ( Revised and updated by C. J. on 25-08-2024 )

In warm climes beware of taking the metabolism vitamins . They warm you up . AND ...  Beware of eating too much " flesh " and meat and alcohol and ...

All in All : A Poem

All in all , events conspired to bring me to a happy Life . Like birds singing in the morning Rain telling the truth of the hours to come Not ever wrong or mistaken Life in the air , when we awaken Children of God , as always was He with us All in all this time together ... All in all God is merciful in good and in strife The way is long and narrow for the way of dragon and sparrow For as a sound is heared in the woods So God hears when any one does good The Trees tall and slender the leaves green and tender ... Does anything Live or die ? All is Living in the Lords' eyes All have a place of rest and respite All in all there is ever the grand sun light In Heaven and in the other place always time to walk the race slow down the traffic and wake All in all there is your soul to take

Vegan Cheeze from Fruit and Veg only

Melanzane , ( Eggplant ) cooked with spring onion tastes like cheese . Add salt to your taste .

Revelation and reason :

The wisest man does not worry , he leaves it up to God .

Resalt of investigation in to KFC today :

KFC Footscray is Vegan again . This morning I ate two Regular Chips with Potato and Gravy , one Piece of Original Recipe Chicken and a Pepsi Max . The result as of 2 : 37 pm is that I feel well relaxed , able to think ; reason , logic , wide sweep of topics , sociable , jovial , able . No pain . Further results pending .

Free will optional survey ; open to all with a " voice " : How many Lives has Rock 'n' roll music destroyed ?

Report on the recent changes to Kentucky Fried Chicken at KFC

KFC now uses biologically identical material as Living capon in thier food . Beware the poison . I am swearing off it . No more meat for me . Or was it the sauce ? I ate a punnet of thier Super Charged sauce last night . It said : Allergens - milk , eggs . I ate an Original Recipe burger and chips and a packet of Super Charged sauce . And I feel the consequences this morning . I will investigate further .

What God gives

God gives to the hungry , their daily meal God gives the thirsty water to filled God gives to the poor , their just portion with mercy God gives to the lonely , His Son as friend for Life and many more For the store is open always to the righteous through the narrow and strong gate It will open for you , be assured , for early or late There are no locks which cannot be opened in a House of God No bars on the windows No telling where the wind blows For the spirit is free We welcome merrily All who labour and are lost to come freely , 'nary the cost This Gift , of Freedom , so simple in conception yet taken for granted is some times difficult to attain Yet simple gifts are what is best Like shelter in the rain And fundamental of all the Gift of a Soul Fertile ground and freedom for us all .

Peace Love and Mateship on the front lines

I , C. J. X. , call on every soldier and combatant at war with his neighbour to put down their weapons and , un - encumbered , to walk towards the warring lines with their arms out open and make peace with their enemy . Talk about your troubles with your wife and family , with your neighbour , with your representative in government , with your leader and remember they are not the troubles you have against your neighbouring country . Why are you fighting them ? See what I mean ?

For want of hair

For want of hair on a head the body was lost , for want of a body the soul was lost . Some times when people become Vegan and are yet to discover a way to stay healthy they lose hair . Then they worry and give up Veganism . However try different things , look up the tips on the internet , ask some one who is healthy and a Vegan , see a physician ? They might be able to help you continue on your Quest . This applies to Women too . With Women it is : For want of not hair the body was lost ...

There is Something ...

There is something about that Son / sun Even for the past and milleniae to come The bright light of the world Ever cheerful in all told Though no description comes close as human He wore humble clothes Raiment of tears and sunlight Ever Faithful , a soul of pure white All colours wash together to a grey that with spark and flame of Passion may sear everything to a pure white remnant A residue for remembrance .

Leave them be

Leave them be where the dead lay where the faithful stay Where the Son turns night in to day For the Spring time comes The cold wind and hot sun Leave them be in their own mind some thing inside Some one binds It is theirs ' neither yours nor mine Go along with it , all that is fine For the Summer comes The hot wet sky and furious sun Leave them be For Lovers will for a time restless , till the autumn rush and winter still .


Aspartame , also known by trade names ; Nutrasweet , Equal and Canderel , is a di-peptide . It contains phenylalanine which can be helpful in maintaining essential amino acid levels in the metabolism ; if you believe in the protein , sugar , fat theory of nutrition . Beware of NutraSweet and Saccharine , sweet taste , some monsterism .

All are One

All spirit sparkling twinkling in the space , in the air We breathe the spirit in and it permeates invitalizes our souls All things breathe in the Ether , in the glow of the Son All are equal , all are One in Gods ' eyes glowing , twinkling in space arranged by God Three things happen every event , chose the Good to happen to you Like Air God is all around Like a feeling , like a sound ...

The Eternal question : Y ?

Y ? oh why , should I ever be born so that I must die ? Short answer : God did not make you to die , but to have Life ever more abundantly . Long answer : Believe and you shall be . Deny and deny everything , even your own existence . Do not beg an answer when you cannot / are not ready to listen to an answer . There is no death only the choice of where to spend Eternity .

Beyond the fields

Beyond the fields of gold there lies the reach of the Rainbow Stepping stayed in the Land of Green forests , Eden , flowers few have seen And the many fruits of a goodly soul food to make us immortal But for the reach and gentle grasp Some would teach and allow others to laugh To make a child able to see To be trusting , caring  and worthy of even the Crown , no beggar wears To mend all where there are tears .

Dionysis in the Temple in the Night

Foreboding and towering the Temple at night Dark and shadow , cold the silvery light of Ceres the Moon on late Autumnal harvest Mist descending , sending scurrying in to warmth and rest The door is always open the road to hell and ruin yet warm it is there inside away from cold silvery air Dionysis , even the brave do enter yet for giving or always the renter in to His house before the break of dawn Never , never give in to berserk or Fawn And warmth for a little while while the Galaxy spirals in to the cold dark space Eyes open to the strangers ' face Does he find a friend to share the night ? How does he know friend from foe ? The parson is a kindly Man Stooped low below them he stands bending down he smiles , a smile from a frown taking the two sides of his gown he gathers up Dionysis from the corner a friend , among friends all the warmer fur on cotton and flannel .

While I was ...

While I was a butterfly you adored me You called me beautiful I was free to float around in your garden to polinate your flowers and trees You did not hate me then Then I died and came back as a caterpillar I was young and hungry I was voracious because of hunger You took your fears and temper out on me You squashed me , sprayed me , dusted me in shame Now I do not come back as either a butterfly or caterpillar but a man , how do you treat me ?

Rich man , poor man

Woe is thee Rich man who sip their un - oaked Chardonnays eating fois gras pate Who abide in their two storey town houses thinking ignorance is bliss Woe to your wounded soul and woe to the faces on the soles of your shoes Blessed are the humbled poor masses who must pay for every scrap in to their mouths Who scrimp and save for every days living Yours is your blessed soul pure as the freshly fallen snow An honest living and an honest reward in Heaven You shall receive yours when God shows His right Hand .

Love and lonliness

To Love , to Love someone To eternally Love , to eternally Love someone Let my Love be for the Eternal One The One Whom Loves me No sadness does He hold No harsh words , ever No judgementality , for He knows For You Love , move the void For You create For You made me Another for me to behold An equal for measure told For the Word is all For the Words of the World ...