Do not rely on your own sanctity
What ever system of diet or practice or looks you ascribe to your own credit do not rely on it to save you . eg. Flesh eaters are murderers . Vegetarians suck the blood products / milk from an animals teet . Eggatarians eat the reproductive by - products of birds . Vegans kill plants . Fruitarians make plants grow where they should not be and eat fruit that is not in its' season of growth . Aquatarians kill micro - scopic algae and plankton - zoo plankton and phyto plankton . Breathatarians - good luck to you , I have no gripe with you .
What ever .
I just pray , eat and am satisfied with it . We need God . God the Giver of Life , Love and Happiness . We need angel made food . Pray that God gives that to you , whatever Goodness you want and count it as already given . It is in the Book of Mark ( Gospel ).
What ever .
I just pray , eat and am satisfied with it . We need God . God the Giver of Life , Love and Happiness . We need angel made food . Pray that God gives that to you , whatever Goodness you want and count it as already given . It is in the Book of Mark ( Gospel ).
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