
Showing posts from August, 2019

A Life of consequences

All you see ; has consequences All you think has so All you grasp   all you intimate All you speak has grave consequences For God gave you your world , a Life of consequences so that you could Live . A Life of consequeces For you to subdue , for you to renew , for you to issue forth and tend For all your world was made for you to    act out to sing   for joy in  discovering   every little thing For you to explore , for you to open doors   for you to decorate with your words    you bring in to your Life every good thing   even your own Life .

A kiss

A kiss on the lips what do you mean by it A Life time of Friendship ? or a meaning so mean Don't let any of us die For we have friends by our side So do not leave us dear Friend do not leave Never to us part never concieve it in your heart do not leave me us do not bereft me thus A kiss , a sigh a hand on your thigh do not say good buy never leave me by the by ...

A Vegan is

A Vegan is not necessarily a person who has never eaten meat . A Vegan is a person who Loves living creatures and does the least harm that they possibly can . A Vegan Catholic is not necessarily a person who has never eaten meat . A Vegan Catholic is some one who practices Universal Love , a Love for all of All . They may eat God given food , or some such thing .

It is still good to fight the good fight for Veganism

I am going Vegan again .

My considered opinion of people who raise themselves above others ; eg . " doctors " , " psychiatrists "

In my extensive and long experience of being in the health system I have come to the opinion that " doctors " and " psychiatrists " are ignorant , rude , dishonest , greedy , lazy , self - agrandized guessers who gamble with peoples Lives . I bring my hammer down in judge - ment of particularly " psychiatrists " and " cancer doctors " . They are pill pushing gamblers of the worst class . They make their unfortunate patients endure cruel torture of wrongful " medication " while guessing about and studying the effects of the stupid drugs they inject . They have no idea and no , absolutely no Humanity . The patients should be protected by the UN charter against torture and cruel treatment . In conclusion I say ; THEY ARE WRONG .

Do not rely on your own sanctity

What ever system of diet or practice or looks you ascribe to your own credit do not rely on it to save you . eg. Flesh eaters are murderers . Vegetarians suck the blood products / milk from an animals teet . Eggatarians eat the reproductive by - products of birds . Vegans kill plants . Fruitarians make plants grow where they should not be and eat fruit that is not in its' season of growth . Aquatarians kill micro - scopic algae and plankton - zoo plankton and phyto plankton . Breathatarians - good luck to you , I have no gripe with you . What ever . I just pray , eat and am satisfied with it . We need God . God the Giver of Life , Love and Happiness . We need angel made food . Pray that God gives that to you , whatever Goodness you want and count it as already given . It is in the Book of Mark ( Gospel ).

What ever you pray of the Lord ; count it as already given

Oh Lord , I pray thee , grant us world peace and Love . Expedite , deliver and protect the small and young . Save us from our selves and do not let the worm bite . Thank you Great Father and praise Thy amazing Grace . In Jesus name we pray , Amen .

Phuoc Anh Phung - Christ Jesus Xavier s' tirade against rich people

You arse holes at the top end of Collins ' Street with your big salaries and tax concessions and big numbers in your bank accounts means that ordinary Australians would go schlepping in the streets and starving if it weren't for the welfare systems instituted by the Churches and the left wing . We Australians do not like greedy people .

The money economy is a three legged horse race in to the garbage bin .

A shot across the bows of the mining industry

Old money looking for new clothes .

Fore warned is fore armed : Signs of the times

China is a major threat to the sovereignty of the free world . They are currently on war footing with the west . It is a war of minor steps , sedition and minute differences . They have spies all over the world including Footscray . China is an imperialist colonist nation with a plan to conquer the whole world , as they see it . Stock up now . The war they are talking about is about to happen . Prepare for the worst and hope for the best . Do not buy things from China ( Mainland ) , they will not be delivered, or they will be inferior versions of things which will not actually work . They are lawless thieves at our gate . On another matter , to the " farmers " who try to make a profit out of selling food : Shit on you ! Smelly CUNT ! I refuse to eat unripe fruit . Do not hurt the wine or the oil . Do not pick the fruit before it is ready to be given by the plant . YOU are hurting the plant and feeding US poison ! So F. U. C. K. off the land and let the plants live ! ...

I use RED paste for teeth and gums

The name of the product is RED paste for teeth and gums . I get it from an Indian grocer in Footscray .