Tetra-Hydro-Cannabinol : THC : 4 - Water - can be 2 - alchohol

I drink three to four litres of water a day-night term/time. THC is equivaluent partical wise to 4 particles of Water or two particles of Alchohol/ho ho ho (Father Christmas has come early this year).
If you do not consume cannabis herbs then you may drink water or your medication/herb/fruit/gift of choice.
You cannot, should not snot leaves. You may inhale the smoke for the traditional enjoyment or alternatively use a vapourizer. What you really consume is Water and sensation.
To be sated, to be sated, to be sated.
For sure.

For novices : This was a joke about coke and other medications most people have some experience with over time. Hope you gleaned something from it in the over-time.


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