Sorry Folkes, I am not Fruitarian for now.

I have fallen off the wagon. I will try to get back up but it is hard. For now I ate a vegetarian pizza yesterday but it was no that good; not enough topping, you know. Stingy (pro. Stinge - y) pizza I call it. Le rip-off. That made me get angry; which is not some thing I like to be; brought me down. S.omething H.appening I.n T.ime that money does to people. How can someone compromise their own quality of product, some thing that others will put in to their mouths and bodies for a few centimes?! Beggars belief and makes me a beggar. How difficile, disgrace. What is worse I paid them $A 1.00 over their RRP(recommended retail price).
But it is rude to talk about money, so I will talk about another thing now.

This morning it was difficult to find Vegan food so I compromised by eating herby (medicine) Paul Newmans' Bolognaise tomato sauce made into a soupe.
Then I heated up a Coles' meat pie in the microwave. While I was waiting for it to cool, I tried to think of a Vegan option so I could avoid eating the pie, then a little voice in my head said "resist" and I remembered like a flash - coffee, strong coffee. Just a piccolo size, strong, forte, and no sugar. It was good! and it worked. Took away the hunger for meat.

Thank you for reading my words. For your education. Just a suggestion.
Freedom to all.


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