
Showing posts from April, 2018

Tea : Camillia Sinensis

Black and Green Tea is dangerous. It causes bloating of the gut and belly. Be careful.

The Church of Love

The Vegan Catholic Church is the Church of Love. We do abide, affirm, cherish Life. Life of all forms, religions, colours, shapes, states, sizes, occupations, abilities, history, mystery, pasts and futures. We are friends of the poor, the outcast, the sick, the pariah and especially women. We worship the Sun, the Father and the Holy Hoste. We live as a Great Family, all Humanity, Living Tree. We are all Gods' Children, The Chosen, The rosen and the rise. We are positive, creative, native to the world. We never die, cry or spy. For we have faith with out seeing. We know, show, bestow Love. In feeling, willing and shilling. We are One. All of Creation. Gods' Consecration.


I propose a new name for Vegan fake meat. I call fake meat me-at.

A balance of liquids

Some times fruit juice is too concentrated. Mix fruit juice with good old water to your taste and drink.

Avoid meat which is Halal or Kosher

Halal means killed in a way which minimizes sufferring. This does not mean no sufferring. Halal is blessed by an Imam. Kosher means this also. Kosher is blessed by a Rabbi. Australian meat is Vegan. It does not come from a creature. It is fake meat. Cage eggs are fake eggs. John Cage, the famous musician, invented them when the company wanted a novel way of packaging food. You can not raise chickens in a cage. They become stressed and do not lay. The chickens in cages you see in the media are part of illegal cruel "scientific" experiments. Do not eat real eggs of any kind. Whether they be barn raised, free range or what ever the new marketing fad is. They will make you sick.

My next post will be at the web address :

Smoking is Vegan as long as you do not involve "animals".

Vegan health TIPs

When you get itches or the urge to scratch yourself this could indicate that you need to do some thing other than that which you are currently doing, urgently. If you have eaten some thing wrong and you get itches then resist scratching; you might get an infection. Vegan or fruitarian is best for mental and psychological wellness.

The Vegan Catholics' attitude to guilt

We are Vegan Catholics, we are still encumbered with Guilt - however we do we do not wallow in guilt, we over come it. WTHOLJ(G). In His mighty Name we Pray. Amen.

I ate a vegetarian Pizza today for lunch

It was good.

Vegan, Vegetarian Joke

I went with fellow workers from a previous job to a birthday party at Jim Wongs' restaurant in Footscray. Jim Wongs' is famous for its' West Lake Duck. When they brought the Duck out and presented it with ceremony I said, "That is not West Lake Duck!?" The party said, "What is it then." I said softly, "THat is dead Duck." Then Patricia said, "Well what Is West Lake Duck?!" I said, "West Lake Duck has tomato in it", not having tasted West Lake Duck before. The waitress went back and spoke to the Chef.There was much shouting in Chinese from the kitchen. Finally the waitress came back out and said, "How do you put tomato in to West Lake Duck??" I said, sweating a little, "You pour Hienz Tomato Ketchup on to Peking Duck." There was much shouting in Chinese. Then finally after about another hour they brought out a Duck with ketchup all over it. I was sweating by now. Some of the party ate it to be polite, so...

The only sin is failure to Love

Having sex is not a sin as long as you truly Love the person you are having sex with. If there is no love and you are just masturbating using another human then there is no stimulation, no feeling and no procreation. Take the logic through the other direction; If there is no procreation then there is no feeling and no Love. When there is feeling, even though no child is produced in that mating session there is a spirit ruminating in the womb which over time and with much further feelings of Love matures in to a full child.

Body hair and the Vegan cure.

Torso, arm, underarm, public and leg hair is normal but not healthy. It is a sign of de-hydration  and mal-nutrition. Meat eating causes de-hydration and mal-nutrition and causes body hair. Vegans are much less hairy in those parts mentioned above.

Another research in to the numbers

One Lone Two Do Three Please Four More Five Alive Six Nix Seven Heaven Eight Wait Nine Niegn Ten And Then Eleven Go to Heaven Twelve Thus we Live

A research in to the numbers

One Lone Two Do Three Free FourMore Five Chaos Six Sexy Seven Heaven Eight Mate Nine Nice Ten Again Eleven Go to Heaven Twelve Thus we live

For broken bones

For broken bones; I suggest dissolving bandages impregnated with anaesthetic. You wrap the bone with the bandage, made of polymer and tighten it. The polymer lasts for about ten years after which it is no longer needed.

In the game

In the game of Love When we lose or win to know and keep close within some times laughter high tides and wind some times to weep and withdraw come in please Out of the rain away from the pain loneliness and cold alone and not told but to know the truth is a high and a low a complement and a blow a yes and a no the only two real words in language Add and multiply knowing when and why to make and do to sow and reap richly to profit and wage as wise as sage Reach a reward for the trees have a store of knowledge and goodness for the sake of good

Confession : I sinned.

Confession : I ate pork. And it is terrible. The shite on my bum. The stink. Eating meat puts shite on your bum. When I eat Vege or Fruitarian I hardly have to wipe my bum after a poo. Now after pork the shite. The shite.

The cure for Rickettes

The cure for Rickettes (Righteous) is the realisation that we have sinned in being born. We have no right to be born in to this unrighteous world. We have no right to seperate our selves from God.

For those on psychotropic medication

Remember fruit juice. If your belly is too big, remember fruit juice. A fruitarian diet is best. Second best is a Vegetarian Catholic diet.

Confession : I am no longer Fruitarian

Confession : I have lapsed. I ate MacDonalds yesterday. I have sinned. Pardon me Father.

What colour

What colour do you want to be What colour do you want to see Golden sunshine like never before would you pass through a black door? Black ness the colour of night red like blood after a fight or white and tan like any man Not too white bleached inside Like what you really feel Make it all so real real real Like what you really want No fuss No muss No can't or won't Don't give up Don't give nothing in return for Love Love beyond meer dollars and cents Love who knows who came and who went Love your self like you Love porn Love your self like you are born some ones' daughter on the screen Love your self beyond what you see Easy is the way to hell Tough is a life of perdiction As it is written and said of So must we be aware of Love