
Poem for the sons and daughters ...

We are humbled and guilty for every crumb we take of poor mans' bread or the rare cake Pound or pence money or sense No man lives' free  in a world gone awry Money is not freedom and counting takes time Be not the beggar or the thief Your' talents are enough with God at your' side .

I haven't published a complete list of what I have eaten ... Date ( 29-11-2024 )

Some people are Vegan for the ...

... wrong reason and they are not vegan to begin with To seek your' own fame and vain glory is not the moral of the story ...

Controversies of a soley plant based diet . 102 :

We may need some thing from the sea . Sea grasses , plants , plankton , clams , mussels , bivalves which do not appear to have much of a care about anything , various and assorted ... Some believe this and that about nutrition or diets ... the investigation continues ... ??? Some people believe we need proteins , aminos , carbohydrates , oils , fats , minerals ... or what ever they divide the foods into . I do not do that . All I assert at this point in time is that SHIT that's fit to eat  , because it is processed and tastes good , might be good .       All I know for certain is that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit save Lives .

Open your' mind and do the mathematics : 104 ... Revized and edited on 29-11-2024 .

For those of you whom live in industrialized and urban cities : Do the mathematics . 1. How many people do you know ? In person , that you meet with ? 2. How many of them eat ? 3. How many of them eat flesh ? 4. How much do they eat ? 5. How many animals have been eaten ? 6. Can the land you are on , grow these animals in that number ? 7. Did you actually see these animals ? 8. Did the flesh you/they ate actually come from animals ? 9. What did you flush down the toilet ? 10. What does it look like ? Answer : Meat in industrial / civilized countries is made from ... ??? Now that has been said , have I got your' attention ? We humans have a need to feel " home " . Home usually means that we are familiar with the smells and odours of our " home " . That is why some have a taste for meat . It is a familiar taste and smell which we are comforted by . The meat in civilized countries is made in a very special way . We homo sapiens are land based animals . That is why ...

Australia ; America : 102 ...

America or as some call it ; Australia ... The most advanced country in the " known " world . We have a large urban , sub-urban and agricultural  population . Many Australians are vegetarian and vegan . One problem is flesh eating or cannibalism or murder , torture and enslavement . One of the most insidious , habit-forming , mal-addictions in civilization . Some in government are striving to remediate that . That is why we need COPS and police . Because with a large populous we need people whom observe , remember , know and are willing to act and re-act , in time .

The spelling of VEGAN . 102 :

Another spelling of Vegan is :  Very Efficient Eater Good At Nutrition .