
Some people need essential fats / fatty acids .

Oils come from plants , " fats " come from " animals " . The stomach , if you have one , is composed of many different types of materials . Some people and youngens need fats . Usually this comes from brest milk . But then you might be addicting your' baby to " animal " food . Some of the essential fats can be found in nature , probably from fatty fruits and nuts and herbs . Plant material can be pulverized into oils and fatty acids , either by chewing by the mother or by industry . The search is on for optimal plant based diets .

What it says in Genesis about the Trees in the middle of the Garden .

The Trees in the middle of the Garden , which God banned Adam and Eve to eat , represented Persons or Human Persons or People . When people eat human flesh they die .

Saving the industries AND People who want fresh air

Some in the industries might need to think about the amount that people use motor vehicles . If everyone in the world drove cars around town then the amount of air pollution in the cities would be intolerable . WE should use hybrid cars . Electric in the summer and hot days and motor during the colder months . There has been much talk about global warming and global cooling and climate change . Hopefully that will balance itself out . For the foreseeable future we just need to reconsider our usages and expenses . Moderation in terms of frugal and wise spending is needed .

Some of the effects of eating and what they mean to some people :

People whom eat become confused . Confused with and mixed with what they are eating . You absorb the spirit and water of the thing you are eating . You are what you eat . Jesus said " What food that goes in through the mouth does not harm a man , it is what comes from the heart that matters . And that is what defiles . " Believe what you want to believe . These are the varying points of view .

Spellings of some common meats 101 : ( revised and updated 3/03/2024 )

Chicken : CHICKEN : Chicken His Idea Concerning Killing Everything New Lamb : LAMB : Let Arse Move Bowels : Laurel Apple Meat Beef : Laurel Apple Muscles ( Perna ) Beef : Lentils Apple MulBerry Pork : PORK : Poor Othello Re Kindled : Poor Only Require Killing ( : KILLING : KISS ( : KISS IN SACRED SEX ) IN LOVE AND LAUGHTER ) : Porcino ( Mushrooms ) , Onion Rosemary , Kale : People Originally Really Killed : Pork Originates Really Kindly : Pigs Only Require Kindness : Perfect Original Real Kick : Peach On Real Tree ( The K in pork is a corrupted writing of the T when writting by hand sometimes when you are really hungry ) : Peach Onion Rice Kohl Beef : BEEF : Bovine Enteric Efficient Fungus : Before Eating Eat Food : Best Eating Efficient Food : Before Eaten Efficient Food : Because Everything Ends Fine : Be Efficient Eating Food : Be Evil Eating Food : Bay laurel Eggplant Egg Fungus ( Mushrooms and such ) Egg : EGG : Excellent Geometric Goodness : Excellent Geometric Goo : Eggce

What Vegans need is Angel - made food and drinks .

Nature does not smell bad : It is the ill-health of " man or woman " that smells bad .

I believe that it is certain artificial chemicals and shit that smells bad .