
Showing posts from November, 2023

Tobacco laws 101 .

Chop chop is not illegal . It is Australian processed tobacco blended for local conditions . It adds to the economy of this country . It is not illegal to sell single cigarettes , just beware not to sell it to someone under-age or whom smokes too much .

Hair : Head hair , body hair , pubic hairs 101 .

Do not wash the sebum from your' head hair , this is to keep your' hair . Do not get water in to the pore of the hair follicle . IF you wish to remove body hair leave the sweat on your body parts . Pubic hairs are special . They indicate sexual status and growth and proclivity .

Money 101 : There are no certainties , ...

There are no certainties , except that we Live and perhaps pass on ... under God . Money is no assurity , it just means you have money ... And that you Live by a certain code of ethics . In the end there is no accounting that humans can do that sums up anything real . Only God the Almighty knows the story of Life . I will just say that we should Live and have Life or there a bouts and we should respect everything. Every word from Gods' mouth to our ears .

Science 101 : the legalities , ethics and morals of science , especially biological sciences .

It is FAKE science when you prod or probe some-one with toxins , medications , drugs to get some sort of idea as to the effect . You will only get FAKE data and scorn when you torture another living being .

About Baby , 102 : Do not wash .

The vernix caseoleum plugs the pores and prevents moisture loss . If you wash this layer off then you will stimulate the pores and they will excrete moisture and become bigger and they will grow hair . If you want your' child to not have body hair then do not wash . If the badness of infection occurs then washing might be necessary .

About Baby , 101 : The vernix caseoleum .

When a baby is born there is a coating of thick , viscous , white matter on the skin . This is called the vernix caseoleum . This layer protects the skin from temperature , moisture loss and from infections . This layer should be kept on as much as possible . Do not bathe the infant . Let the infant crawl in to it's mothers' arms and hold it . Do not bathe .

The cure for black-heads on your' skin is honey . Updated on the 29 th of May of the year 2024 .

The cure for black-heads and other blemishes to your' appearance is to Live righteously , justly and humanely . In the Bible , in the Book of Deuteronomy , Chapter 10 , Verse 5 , there is listed the Ten Commandments : Thou shalt Love thy God and hold no other Gods before Him / Her . Thou shalt not take the Lords' name in vain . Thou shalt not worship idols . Thou shalt keep the Sabbath and keep it holy . Thou shall honour thy mother and father . Thou shalt not lie or deceive . Thou shalt not steal or rob . Thou shalt not kill . Thou shalt not commit adultery . Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour . Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour nor thy neighbours' house , wife , donkey , cart or chattels .