
Showing posts from May, 2018

If you get receding gums and yellow teeth

If you get receding gums and yellow teeth from being Vegan then eat meat; that is the only remedy. However; stay away from pig meat. As long as you are mainly Vegan then that is good enough. If any one has a more Vegan solution then please feel free to make a suggestion on the comments section. Please see a later blog called: "If you get receding gums and yellow teeth. part 2."

Confession : I lapsed

Confession : I ate chicken last night. Lord forgive and pardon my sins for I am prone to moments of weakness. I am your child, O Lord, a little one learning to be good. Raise me to be as You are. Take me to You and resolve me of my iniquities, failings and sins. Shield me from temptation and clothe me in the robes of the Saints whom are perfect. I Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

The most Beautiful thing about Love, Life and the multiverse

The most beautiful thing about every thing is the Truth.

There is a more powerful force than need

Need can be over come. There is a more powerful force than need. The Righteousness of God. For God satisfies and gives to all their just due. Just as He flew over Egypt and struck all the first born of the Egyptians, passing over the houses with the mark of rams' blood on the door. Did God, in so doing cause wrongness? No. For Heaven is higher than the Earth and Gods' ways are higher than ours. Suppose those infants now are with God in Heaven, looking down on the Earth and smiling. Who knows? It does not say in the Bible. I have faith that God did some thing but that He did no wrong. For God always does Good. He can do no wrong. He can cause good to come from bad things and turns the night in to the day. The wrongness came in to the lives of men and women at the Fall. When Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. The wrongness came in to the lives of men and women, not in to the Life of God. God remains the same today, as He was, in the beginning and ever shall be. Jesus said, ...

Say a little prayer

What ever you eat or take, it becomes justified if you say a prayer over it and truly wish it to be Vegan.

Some me-at is so good, it is difficult to tell the difference